Friday, March 12, 2021

Haji Malang Dargah, A Holy Shrine of Haji Malang Baba

Haji malang dargah is a 300-year-old dargah which is on a fort called malanggad. Malanggad is a hill near Kalyan, Maharashtra which is located at about 789 m above sea level. This dargah is one of the few where a Hindu Vahivatdar(a priest from the family of Hindu Vahivatdar) and a Muslim Mutavalli(a family member of the saint) have found to be coordinating together in managing the religious rituals.

Haji Abdur Rehman Malang Baba Dargah


Haji Malang Baba - A Sufi Saint from Middle East

The dargah is famous for Baba Abdur Rehman Malang who was a Sufi saint who visited India in the AD 12th century from the middle east. The uniqueness of the dargah is that it is situated upon a hill, and as we see every temple have normal stairs to reach the temple and to reach the dargah devotee is required to do the trek to reach the dargah. The dargah is also well known by the name Hazrat Baba Haji Malang Dargah.


The History of Haji Malang Baba -

When the Maurya dynasty was ruled by the king named “Nala Raja” or “Naladev”, it is believed at this time Haji Malang baba visited Bramhanwadi along with his followers. The people in the state of Maharashtra were devasted by the chaos which was produced by the demons under the kings ruling. When this cruelty reached an extent, people believed that God listened to their call for help and sent Malang baba to visit the place to retrieve the safety and wellbeing of the people by removing the evil of the state.

When Malang baba reached the small village called Bramhanwadi near the mountain along with his followers he felt thirsty and asked for some water from a nearby house which was belonging to a brahmin Ketkar family. The brahmin realized they were thirsty and tired, so he offered them a place to rest for a while and instead of water he gave them milk. The act of brahmin was of a kindhearted person and Malang baba appreciated it and blessed him. Later he bid farewell and set out his foot to retrieve the safety and wellbeing of the people by removing the evil of the state.

Haji Malang Dargah from Sonemachi

The story of two Dargahs, Pehli Salami and Doosri Salami -

Before reaching the dargah you will see two small dargahs which are known as The Pehli Salami and The Doosri Salami. The first dargah is where the Pehli salami is given to HAZRAT BAQTAWAR SHAH and the second salami is given to HAZRAT SULTAN SHAH, these Hazrats came from GULF to take back Haji Malang Baba but the baba refused to go with them and said that this is the place where he belongs now and is willing to spend the rest of his life hearing this both the Hazrats who came from gulf also decided to stay with the baba till the end of their life. After this Haji Malang Baba said if anyone wants to see or meet me, they will have to give salami to these Hazrats first.


Pehli Salami – Hazrat Baqtawar Shah Dargah

Doosri Salami – Hazrat Sultan Shah Dargah

Dargah is the first stop of the trek if you wish to complete the trek you can go forward and reach Sonemachi which is the second stop and to reach the final stop which is called Balekilla but the way for Balekilla have broken. you can learn more about the three levels on our blog "History of Haji Malang Gad, A Trek Destination to Explore". To reach the haji Malang dargah it will take up to three hours. There are 1500 plus steps to reach the dargah from the base village. You will also find many shops around the dargah selling soft drinks, snacks, meals and religious items for the people visiting the dargah. Not only mosques but you will also find "Hindu temples on the way towards dargah". Dargah is taken care of by both Hindu and Muslim families. A Sindhi family near dargah is popularly known for providing free food to all the visitors.


Hazrat Malang Dargah Photo


Once a year people celebrate a big festival called URS on the mountain which is named after Malang Baba, read our blog "URS – A Festival Celebrated at Haji Malang Dargah in Kalyan" to know more. The Haji Malang Dargah is kept clean and well maintained by the villagers and the devotees of baba, you will also see carvings on the wall of the dargah which is beautiful. The atmosphere surrounding the mosque and the faith that flows from within it makes one feel safe, serene and joyful.

As the Dargah is situated on a hill, the best time to visit is in the monsoon. The path to the dargah become lively with its natural beauty during the monsoon making the trek towards dargah a joyful adventure.

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